Access & Equity Educational Outreach

Access & Equity Educational Outreach

 The Office of Access & Equity strives to educate the campus community. The Office of Access & Equity is comprised of Disability Resources and Equal Opportunity. Both units have developed various presentations and workshops available throughout the academic year.

For specific dates , times, and to register use Workshops.

Additional Campus Partner Educational Opportunities

The Office of Access & Equity supports and works to promote the programmatic efforts of our university partners who share in creating a welcome, safe, and inclusive campus. For more information related to the workshops and events sponsored by other offices, please follow the various links below. 

Campus PartnersRelated Content
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success (CETLSSThe Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success (CETLSS) office provides faculty support and professional development opportunities to the campus community. This center offers a wide variety of workshops dedicated to overall student success and academic progress.
Academic TechnologyAcademic Technology, housed under Information Technology Services, supports educational technology innovation for students, faculty, and the campus community. It offers various trainings associated with classroom technologies, navigating various online modalities, and other related to
Wellness and Prevention ServicesWellness and Prevention Services offers a holistic support system for students, staff, and faculty. The department is split between mental health resources, nutrition services, Peer Education, Sexual Health, and Substance Use education. Wellness and prevention offer a variety of workshops ibn each of these areas.
Student AffairsOffered through the Division of Student Affairs, the Sustained Dialogue Series is a certification-based class that focuses on increasing an individual's ability to communicate effectively regarding complex and difficult topics. This workshop is designed to create a more cohesive and understanding campus communit
Human ResourcesOffered through the Human Resources Department, Core Training for Supervisors strives to equip leaders with the tools to effectively lead their teams, increase organizational growth, and achieve strategic objectives.
App State Police DepartmentCommunity education and training for a range of topics including: Active Aggressor Response Training, Rape Agression Defense, Mental Health First Aid, Personal Safety Seminars, etc.
Academic Affairs: Academic Impressions The Academic Impressions platform provides easy access to live and recorded virtual training, webcasts, on-demand learning, virtual conferences and individually customized learning plans — all via single sign-on using your App State credentials.The offerings cover the full range of higher-ed topics, including: academic planning, compliance, equity & inclusion, enrollment management & marketing, institutional advancement, leadership, student success, supervising employees, and Title IX. 

ITS LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning provides access to thousands of high-quality professional development courses and videos hat cover the latest software, creative, and business skills to help you acquire new skills and advance your career.

 External Education