Reasonable Accommodations in Employment
Appalachian State University is committed to equal opportunity in all aspects of employment for qualified employees (EPS, SHRA, Faculty, etc.) with disabilities. Employees who need reasonable workplace accommodations on the basis of a disability in order to complete the essential functions of their job or have access to the benefits of employment must complete the request process outlined below.
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in employment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for “qualified employees with disabilities.” Accommodations do not remove functions that are essential to a job but rather provide an equal opportunity for an employee to complete them.
At Appalachian State University, we respect all faiths, beliefs, and cultures. The University strives to reasonably accommodate all employees and students in observing their religious and cultural holidays, beliefs, and practices by allowing time away from work or absences from classes for religious observances and providing reasonable accommodations for religious practices. Discrimination or harassment against any individual based on their religious, spiritual, or cultural beliefs is prohibited. The Office of Access & Equity: Equal Opportunity (EO) is the designated office to navigate such requests.
Request Process
Religious Request
Request: Submit your request via email to and a representative will be in contact to schedule a meeting to further discuss your request.
Employees and students are encouraged to review the Appalachian State University policies related to personal and religious observances linked below:
Office of State Human Resources Policy
ADA Request Process
Request and documentation: Employees should identify employment-related barriers and complete an Employee Accommodation Request. The employee will be contacted to discuss the request for accommodations and the potential need for disability documentation.
Documentation needs for employees are determined on an individualized basis and communicated directly to the employee once the ADA/504 Coordinator or designee has reviewed the requested accommodations. Documentation must establish the employee has a disability as defined by disability law, identify employment-related barriers, and explain specific limitations on essential job functions. For assistance with animal accommodations within University Housing, additional requirements are needed. The documentation guidelines below should be used.
Interactive process: The ADA/504 Coordinator, or designee, will engage in an interactive process with the employee and the supervisor to determine eligibility, essential job functions, and necessary reasonable accommodations.
Implementation: Upon completion of the interactive process, the ADA/504 Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that approved accommodations are understood and implemented in a timely manner.
Timing: Employees are encouraged to begin this process as early as possible to ensure the timely provision of accommodations. Once the request form and sufficient documentation are received, every effort will be made to determine appropriate accommodations within 15 business days of submission.
Pregnancy Request Process
Additional Information
Information for Supervisors
Additional Accommodation Requests
For individuals already approved for accommodations or need additional accommodations and/or changes
Temporary Injuries & Impact of Pregnancy Related Conditions
Information and support for those navigating temporary injuries or pregnancy-related conditions.
Sign Language Interpreter or Remote Live Captioning Request
Requests for sign language interpreters or real-time captioning should be made at least two weeks in advance.
Appalachian State University is committed to providing an institutional environment free from discrimination and harassment to the Appalachian community, including students, faculty, staff, and others who participate in University Programs, activities, or conduct business on behalf of the University.