Policies & Procedures


The Office of Access & Opportunity: Equal Opportunity oversees the University's response to discrimination, harassment, related retaliation, and workplace violence. The University's response and related procedures are intended to be educational in nature and differ from the criminal justice system in scope, purpose, procedure, and outcome, and are not designed to replace state or federal criminal laws or procedures. Faculty, staff, and students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the University for acts that constitute violations of law and this Policy.

Policies & Procedures

Prohibited Conduct


Resolution Procedures

Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation  

Policy 110: Discrimination & Harassment

Employee & Third Party Respondents: Discrimination & Harassment Procedures for Employee & Third-Party Respondents

Student Respondents:  Discrimination & Harassment Procedures for Student Respondents


Title IX Sex-Based Discrimination & Harassment

Policy 110: Discrimination & Harassment

Student, Employee, & Third-Party Respondents: Title IX Resolution Procedures

The Title IX Resolution procedures are applicable to Students, Employees, and Third-Parties when sex-based discrimination or sex-based harassment conduct occurs:

  • on University grounds or other property owned or controlled by the University; or
  • in the context of a University employment or Education Program or Activity, including, but not limited to, locations, internships, placements, events, or circumstances over which the University has substantial control over both the Respondent and the context in which the conduct occurs; or
  • in any building owned or controlled by a Student organization that the University officially recognizes;
  • and in the United States.


Workplace Violence


Policy 602.32: Workplace Violence


Employee Respondents: Procedures are embedded within the policy.